How Do New Windows Increase Property Values?

Installing new windows helps improve the look and feel of your home. But did you know that they also boost property values? Local window and roof repair contractor BSR explains how in this blog post.

  1. Improved Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient windows keep heated and cooled air inside your home, preventing your HVAC system from working twice as hard. This, in turn, results in lower energy bills in the summer and winter. Unlike old, dilapidated windows, newer units are much better at preventing indoor air from escaping, making it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature in your house.

  1. Increased Curb Appeal

The addition of new windows can significantly increase your home’s curb appeal. With new, stylish windows, your home will look modern and inviting, which makes it more attractive to potential buyers. This can help you sell your property faster and at a higher price. 

  1. Improved Home Security

When installed by an exterior services professional, you can be sure of your windows’ reliability in terms of security. Newer windows are sturdier and harder to break into than older, outdated models. This is a crucial consideration for potential buyers who want to ensure their safety and peace of mind when living in a new home. 

  1. Enhanced Home Comfort

Finally, new windows can help to improve your home’s overall comfort. Improved insulation and airtight seals help keep drafts and dust out while providing better temperature control inside. This makes it easier to maintain a comfortable home environment, which potential buyers will appreciate. 

Get New High-Quality Windows From BSR

Consider installing new energy-efficient windows if you’re planning to sell your home in the future. This simple upgrade not only adds style points to your property,  but also helps improve its curb appeal and, most importantly, increase its value. Get in touch with BSR today for top-notch window replacement and other exterior services like residential roofing. Call (607) 722-7221, or fill out our contact form for a free consultation. We serve homeowners in Ithaca, NY, and the surrounding communities.