Why Metal Roofing Is Ideal for Your Home

Architects and homeowners prefer metal roofing for its beauty and durability. It comes in many colors and shapes. With new coatings, these roofs can even be resistant to corrosion, fading, chalking and cracking. Metal roofing is weather- and wind-resistant, and has a lifespan expectancy of over 50 years. Metal roofing also offers top-notch environmental friendliness and energy efficiency.

Let’s look at these benefits in more detail and why metal is a good residential roofing option for you.

They’re Energy-Efficient

Metal is one of the most energy-efficient roofing materials available. In fact, you can even save up to 40% in air conditioning costs and get excellent insulation in the winter. The basic, unpainted metal roof reflects more solar radiation than others. A reflective and emissive metal roof is optimal for reducing energy consumption. They can actually reemit up to 90% of absorbed solar radiation.

They’re Durable and Long Lasting

Metal roofs, being impact-resistant, will not corrode or crack. Metal roofs don’t need the costly periodic maintenance needed by other roofing materials. Periodic inspections, though, are ideal to make sure there’s no roof repair needed.

Metal roofing can last as long as your home and will continue to look just as aesthetically appealing as the day you had it installed. It does not decompose and can withstand almost anything that nature sends its way throughout the changing seasons.

They Have Exceptional Wind Resistance

Metal roofs have high wind resistance because of how they’re constructed and installed. A metal roof panel is a continuous length that extends from the eave to the ridge. There are fewer areas where wind and rain can penetrate beneath the roof material. Also, metal has the highest strength-to-weight ratio among roofing materials. These roofs can withstand many times the stress loads of most other roofing products.

BSR is your top local exterior services contractor. Experience the difference we can make for your home. We proudly serve homeowners in Ithaca, NY, and other nearby areas. Contact us at (607) 229-1280.