Maintenance Tips to Help You Avoid a Leaky Roof This Winter

With winter fast approaching, many homeowners are looking to do some maintenance work and prepare for the cold days ahead. But, what steps can a homeowner take to ensure that their residential roofing is in tip-top shape for the winter months? BSR offers you some advice.

Do a Visual Inspection

One of the most basic things to watch out for is signs of an aging or compromised framing structure. Scan the roof, and look for sagging or broken gutters as this can mean that the material has deteriorated. In addition, keep an eye out for damage like missing shingles or fasteners, and failing drip ledges. Ideally, your roof should be visually inspected twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Clean the Gutters

This also needs to be done a few times a year, ideally before the rainy season or before a storm hits. Fallen leaves can clog your gutters, causing water to back up on your roof, which will greatly increase its rate of deterioration. In the worst-case scenario, the board that connects the roof to the outer walls of your house can rot from the accumulated water. Have your gutters cleaned as well when you schedule your annual roof repair with professionals like BSR.

Trim the Foliage

Roof maintenance isn’t just limited to the confines of your home. Take the time to trim the trees around your property as this greatly reduces the amount of leaves that can get stuck in your gutters. Regular maintenance like this can be contracted out to external services providers in the area.

Regular inspections and maintenance will keep your roof like new for years. Any problems found during your inspections should be dealt with quickly before it leaves lasting and permanent damage to your roof. Call BSR today at (607) 229-1280, or fill out our contact form to schedule for an inspection. We serve clients in Ithaca, NY, and surrounding areas.