How Drone-Based Roof Inspections Work

An inspection is a basic part of the entire construction process. In recent years, drone technology has been adapted to create a safer and more efficient way to inspect a site. It shook up the game, and many commercial and residential roofing specialists now see the benefits of drones in getting accurate measurement plans and choosing the best roofing solutions.

Drone Inspections

The manual drone inspection method’s ultimate and very limited goal is to simply gather images of the roof. It’s a lot more convenient with automated drone inspection. The collected hi-res photos will then be converted into a 3D model for better assessment, saving a lot of time and effort.

Provides Accurate Rooftop Measurements

Imagine being under the harsh sun for a good part of the day, the consistent burden of keeping your footsteps light to avoid weighing down the roof deck and accessing impossible edges on the roof with tape measure. It would be a hassle for sure, but a drone can resolve all of these. The latest advances in drone mapping technology are utilized by roof repair and replacement experts to come up with accurate and consistent measurements of square footage, surface area and other roof features. 

Minimizes Workplace Hazards

Did you know that falling is the leading cause of death on construction sites? Using drones minimizes the risks for potential injuries and mishaps that can happen to dedicated teams of construction workers. In case specialists miss important information, they won’t need to return back to the site just to collect data.

Thinking of renovating your home? BSR, a highly experienced roofing and exterior services company, is here to help you. Call us today at (607) 229-1280, or fill out this contact form to schedule a consultation. Our service areas include Ithaca, NY, and nearby communities.