6 Ways to Make Your Roof Replacement Hassle-Free

Residential roof replacement will disrupt your daily routine for a few days, with the noise and installers going about your home. Fortunately, BSR is here to share six ways for you to make your roof replacement hassle-free.

  1. Research Your Home Style — Start planning your roof replacement before you start choosing your contractors. Taking the time to research your home style, particularly the roofing style associated with it, can help you make informed decisions when it’s time to consult with a contractor.

  1. Have a Project Journal — Roof replacement and home improvement projects of similar scope come with various kinds of documentation, from sketches and clippings to contracts and warranty paperwork. Keep all of these organized with a durable document folder, envelope or something similar. When you need to find a document related to your roof replacement, you’ll always know where it is.

  1. Carefully Choose Your Contractor — Hiring a roofing contractor isn’t a one-and-done deal. You need a contractor who knows roof repair and maintenance, in addition to installation. An asphalt shingle roof lasts for 20 to 30 years, so you’ll need a roofer who can commit to keeping your roof in good condition for the long run.

  1. Plan the Installation Date — The spring and summer seasons tend to be the busiest in the year, so make sure you book the installation date ahead of time. This lets you prepare as installation day approaches, including making arrangements for the kids to stay elsewhere, perhaps at a relative’s place or at a nearby hotel, during installation.

  1. Prepare the House — Start preparing your house a week ahead of the installation date. Clear the driveway, and inform your contractor where they can park and store the roofing materials. There will be a lot of dust and debris, so you’ll need to break out the dust covers to protect the furniture with them.

  1. Have an Emergency Budget Ready — Sometimes, there are hidden issues that would only get revealed once the old roofing is removed and will need to be repaired before installation can proceed. You will need emergency funds for these repairs as they won’t be included in the quoted price; 10% to 20% is usually enough to cover for such expenses.

To learn more about our roofing and exterior services, call BSR today at (607) 229-1280. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a free estimate. We serve Ithaca, NY, and surrounding areas. Ask us about our roof financing options!