An Overview of Garage Door Maintenance

Six. That’s the average number of times a garage door is opened and shut in a day. It’s no surprise, therefore, that garage doors have heavier maintenance requirements than many other components. Moving a 300-pound door up and down up to six times a day every day can take its toll on your garage door spring and the mechanism that operates it.

Luckily, there are ways to make it a little easier for your garage door to last a long time. 

Type of Garage Door Springs

The most widely-used springs by both pro exterior services providers and homeowners are torsion springs. These springs coil and uncoil every time the door is operated, balancing the weight with the torque produced by its rotation. These springs can either be galvanized or oil-tempered, with the latter more recommended by experts than the former.

Torsion Spring Safety and Maintenance

Maintaining the springs should only be done by a professional as they can be quite dangerous when they break. However, you can still apply silicone lubricant to the spring to keep it running in good condition throughout its lifespan. Additionally, the spring itself must always be housed within a containment unit that will prevent the spring from flying out in the unlikely event that it breaks. Never remove this containment unit for any reason.

Professional Help

Just like how your roof will show signs it needs roof repair services, your garage door will also let you know if something has gone wrong. Call a professional immediately if your garage door is starting to make loud noises when opening and closing or when it’s showing difficulty in staying open or shut the way it’s supposed to.

Get high-quality garage doors and garage-door maintenance and repairs from our specialists at BSR. Call us at (607) 722-7221, or fill out our contact form to schedule a service visit today. We serve homeowners in Ithaca, NY, and all surrounding areas.