3 Costly Commercial Roofing Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

Routine maintenance is a must if you want to keep your commercial roof in good condition. However, keep in mind that improper maintenance is just as bad as neglecting to maintain your roof. 

Here are some of the commercial roofing maintenance mistakes you need to avoid: 

Neglecting Roofing Insulation 

It’s common knowledge that having inadequate roof insulation can increase your cooling and heating costs. What many don’t know is that insufficient insulation can shorten your commercial roof’s lifespan. That’s because the heat escaping through gaps in the insulation can prematurely age your commercial roof. 

Putting Off Roof Repairs 

It’s never a good idea to put off roof repairs. Left unattended, leaks and other forms of roofing damage can affect other parts of the building and increase repair costs. The sooner roof repair is conducted, the better.  

Failing to Strictly Follow a Maintenance Routine 

Routine inspections, along with prompt roof repairs, would naturally be an essential part of any commercial roofing maintenance strategy. After all, you can’t fix something if you don’t know it’s broken or damaged. 

Important note: As a rule of thumb, you should have a professional roofer inspect your home after a storm or an extreme weather event. What if you haven’t noticed any leaks? It would still be a good idea to schedule a roof inspection. No matter how durable your roof is, it’s bound to suffer some form of damage after a storm. Not to mention it’s easy to miss subtle signs of storm damage. That’s why it’s best to have a contractor inspect your roof. By detecting the early signs of roof damage, the pro can conduct roof repairs and prevent storm damage from affecting other parts of the building. 

One more thing: it’s important to vet contractors before hiring them. Here’s a vetting tip: the number of years a contractor has been working in the industry should give you a good idea of the person’s level of expertise. 

BSR has been providing professional exterior services to local residents since 1913. To get a free estimate, call us at (607) 722-7221, or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Binghamton and Vestal as well as the surrounding communities in New York.