Top 6 Mistakes Good Window Installers Don’t Make

So you’ve finally decided to revamp your home with brand-new windows. This isn’t a task you should entrust to just anyone. In fact, poor window installation can cause a series of problems, from insufficient energy efficiency to safety risks. Understanding the common mistakes that good window installers don’t make can mean the difference between a job well done and a disaster.

Mistake #1: Taking Incorrect Window Measurements

One pitfall you want to avoid is incorrect window measurements, which can lead to misfits and result in failed installations and considerable material waste. Top-notch window installers ensure accurate measurements, bringing you one step closer to a seamlessly executed project.

Mistake #2: Avoiding Safety Guidelines

Safety should never be compromised. Overlooking safety protocols can lead to unfortunate accidents. More than anything, good window installers prioritize safety. Each step in the installation process is carried out with safety measures in mind, guaranteeing a secure installation.

Mistake #3: Inadequate Knowledge About Window Types

Each window type has its own unique installation requirements. Whether it’s a bay window or a casement window, the installation method differs. Window installers’ knowledge should extend to the knowledge of the installation of various window types, ensuring unparalleled service.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Energy Efficiency

A home’s windows play a crucial role in energy efficiency. Ignoring this aspect can lead to wasted energy and egregious utility bills. Professional window installers consider this aspect and choose windows that uphold energy efficiency, providing you with cost-efficient solutions.

Mistake #5: Poor Finishing and Sealing

After the installation, final touches matter. Poor finishing or improper sealing can lead to long-term issues like leakage, drafts and even unwanted critters. Reputable window installers painstakingly ensure the details, contributing to the overall longevity of your windows.

Mistake #6: Not Being Licensed and Insured

When it comes to the people working on your property, you want to ensure they are well-equipped and backed by the necessary accreditations. Window installation requires professionals who are licensed and insured, alleviating any concerns about the job’s legality or the handling of potential mishaps.

For reliable, professional and meticulous window installation and other exterior home improvements, get in touch with the team at BSR. Call us at (607) 722-7221, or fill out our online form. We serve Ithaca, NY, and the surrounding communities.