Is It Necessary to Add Grilles to Your Windows?

To add grilles or not is one of the many things homeowners have to decide on when planning a window replacement project. Your choice, apparently, is dependent on your home’s style and personal preference. Today, we discuss when you should – and shouldn’t – add grilles to your windows. 

About Window Grilles

What’s a grille anyway? It refers to the strip of material dividing your window’s glass panes. Also known as a muntin, it was an essential component of window design manufactured centuries ago. During those times, manufactured glass was expensive and hard to transport. To prevent them from breaking in the journey, the glass is divided into smaller panes, which are then assembled into the windows by connecting the grilles or muntins.

Nowadays, grilles are an optional component in windows in that they can help enhance their aesthetic appeal. The choice to add them or not will ultimately depend on your requirements for both your home and your own style.

When You Should Add Window Grilles

Adding window grilles makes sense if you want to highlight your home’s traditional architecture. This is especially true if you live in a Colonial, Craftsman or Farmhouse-style home. The addition of window grilles can add a great deal of beauty to such a home. However, if you live in a modern or contemporary home, you’re better off leaving your window glass bare. This way, the narrow frames and expansive glass are featured alongside other architectural elements like symmetrical lines and geometric shapes.

You also don’t have to add grilles to your windows, especially if they are facing a beautiful outdoor view. Otherwise, the smaller panes created by the dividing lines will only disrupt the view. Then again, if the view isn’t as appealing – your neighbor’s home or a busy street – you’ll want to add grilles just to distract the eye.

BSR offers replacement windows and doors to fit every home style, size and budget. Keep the weather out by calling (607) 722-7221 or filling out our contact form for a free estimate. We serve clients in Ithaca, NY, and the surrounding communities.