5 Siding Terms Every Homeowner Must Know

Hearing about technical jargon can’t be avoided, especially when working with a team of professionals in any industry, including home improvement. If you are planning to have your siding repaired or replaced, it would be nice to be at least familiar with some of the terminologies you might encounter while communicating with a team of installers. Here’s a look at five of the most common siding-related terms you need to know. 

1. Flashing

Often made of metal, this strip of material is used to cover the siding panels’ seams and joints, thus protecting your home’s exterior walls from moisture intrusion. Your roof also has this important component, covering vulnerable areas, such as penetrations like chimneys and vents as well as roof valleys and edges.

2. Sealant

This is a compound that your siding contractor uses to fill or seal joints. It can be used in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, masonry and vinyl. A good siding contractor will always make sure that they apply enough sealant so that your siding doesn’t incur damage immediately.

3. Gauge

Gauge is a siding term that refers to the thickness of a siding board or panel. Manufacturers usually offer siding products in different gauges; the thicker the material, the more it is capable of withstanding whatever Mother Nature throws at it.

4. Weep Holes

These are openings found on both ends of a siding panel or board designed for water runoff. Moisture trapped behind the siding material escapes through these small openings, minimizing the occurrence of mold growth and rot on your home exteriors.

5. Course

This term is widely used in the construction industry, and it refers to a material that spans an entire wall or roof plane. Your contractor may refer to the long horizontal row of clapboard (or the vertical columns of board and batten) as “a course of siding”. 

Understanding your siding project makes it easier for you to make smarter decisions along the way. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to hire a skilled and experienced contractor for the job. At BSR, we uphold the highest standards in every siding repair or replacement project we handle. We are not your typical contractors who care more about getting the job done and moving on to the next one. We make sure to explain every important detail about the job and answer any questions our customers might ask, especially when it comes to unfamiliar siding terms.

If you’re ready to improve your home’s curb appeal and increase its overall energy efficiency, get in touch with BSR today. Call (607) 722-7221, or fill out our contact form for a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Vestal and Binghamton, NY.